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FINUT will make available to young scientists in the Ibero-American region (Latin America, Portugal and Spain) a limited number of travel and accommodation grants to attend the FINUT 2020 Conference for an amount of up to USD 1,000.00

Applicants should follow the instructions below:

1.- The candidate must have sent at least one summary to the FINUT 2020 Conference.

2.- The candidate must have received their last academic degree less than 10 years ago.

3.- The candidate must be willing to assume the minimum registration cost to participate in the Conference (USD 150.00) in case of being a beneficiary of the travel and accommodation scholarship. In the event that the candidate meets the main requirements, but the scholarship is not granted, it will be respected that the candidate can attend the FINUT 2020 Conference paying the minimum cost of USD 150.00 per registration.

4.- The candidate must send an email with the subject “fellowship application + name + country” to [email protected] and submit the following documents as attachments:

  • Proof of the acquisition dates of the last academic degree.
  • Brief CV (1 page) highlighting research achievements.
  • A letter from your educational center or research center supporting the candidacy.

Eligibility will be based on the following conditions:

  • The merits of the candidates,
  • The quality of the communication they send to the conference
  • Scientific activity
  • Scholarships will be awarded trying to maintain a balance regarding the geographical distribution of the participants.

Deadline for sending scholarships application: December 16, 2019

Deadline for response on the award of scholarships: February 17, 2020